
Manitoba Incentives

To qualify for geothermal incentives provided through Efficiency Manitoba, Manitoba Hydro, and the Manitoba Government, the installation must be performed by an accredited installer member (in good standing) of the Manitoba Geothermal Energy Alliance (MGEA).

There are currently three incentives (one is provided from the federal government) and two loans (one is provided from the federal government) available to Manitobans. To view the details on the available incentives and loans, click the arrows or the incentive provider’s logo at the bottom of the page.


Ground source heat pumps are efficient, economical, and environmentally friendly. They can reduce your current electric heating costs by up to 60%, and they protect you from the impacts of future heating costs.

In order to qualify for this incentive and to upgrade to an energy-efficient heating system, the following criteria must be met:

  • Your heat pump is replacing an existing electric furnace/boiler, electric baseboards, or natural gas heating system. Homeowners who are converting from fuel oil or propane are also eligible for incentives.
  • New construction farm buildings may be eligible for incentives. For more details, contact Efficiency Manitoba.
  • Your building is heated from September to May.
  • Your supplier is registered with Efficiency Manitoba and accredited by the Manitoba Geothermal Energy Alliance.

The incentive is based on a prescriptive structure; it’s calculated as being the lesser of:

  1. $2.50 per square foot heated by a ground source heat pump system; or
  2. $120 per MBH of installed heating capacity; or
  3. $120 per MBH of the building’s eligible base transmission and infiltration heating load.

The process to participate in this incentive program is:

  1. CHOOSE AN ACCREDITED INSTALLER & APPLY: Your installer must be an active member of the Manitoba Geothermal Energy Alliance (MGEA). You should get several quotes, check references before making your installer choice. Be sure to compare the proposed design of each installer; pay attention to the loop sizing for ground loop systems. Once you’ve chosen an installer, they’ll lead you through the application process and submit an application on your behalf.
  2. GET APPROVAL FOR OUR PROJECT: Efficiency Manitoba will issue a written approval and from there, you’ll have one year to purchase and install your heating system. Don’t purchase any materials or start your project until you’ve received approval for your project.
  3. COMPLETE YOUR PROJECT: Once your heat pump is installed and operating, your installer will submit all applicable permits, licenses, and invoices on your behalf. You’ll sign the completion documents to confirm the heat pump is installed and operational. Efficiency Manitoba will review these documents and send you your incentive.

For full details and program guide, please visit Efficiency Manitoba’s website.


A Manitoba Green Energy Equipment Tax Credit up to 15% is available for the installation of eligible geothermal systems throughout Manitoba. This includes installations into most buildings including existing and newly constructed residential and commercial buildings.

The following summarizes the incentives that are provided through province-wide Green Energy Equipment Tax Credits:

  • Existing & New Homes: Manitobans can receive up to $2,400 of incentives from the Province of Manitoba through a Green Energy Equipment Tax Credit.
  • Commercial Buildings: Owners are eligible to receive up to 15% of the value of their installed geothermal systems through refundable tax credits.
  • District/Community Geothermal Systems (where a minimum of three detached buildings are served by one geothermal system): Owners are eligible to receive tax credits up to 15%.

The tax credit can be claimed through the income tax system either on the individual T1 income tax return or the corporate T2 income tax return. Individuals, corporations and not for profit organizations can claim the refundable tax credit for eligible geothermal installations. For more information or assistance on the Green Energy Equipment Tax Credit contact The Manitoba Tax Assistance Office or see

Send an application to the Manitoba Geothermal Energy Incentive Program to apply for a geothermal grant.

For a grant application form, a grant guide or additional information on the Government of Manitoba geothermal incentives please click here.


also see Canada Greener Homes Loan

As of February 12, 2024 5PM EST, the Canada Greener Homes Grant is no longer accepting new applicants; homeowners who are already participating are encouraged to proceed in a timely manner with their retrofits and will continue to be eligible for funding.

The Canada Greener Homes Grant provides homeowners up to $5,600. This grant includes $600 to cover the costs of the home evaluations, and up to $5,000 total for the implementation of eligible retrofits such as ground source heat pumps, home insulation, windows, doors, and air sealing. You are not eligible for this grant if you’ve completed you retrofits without having an evaluation completed first.

Under the Canada Greener Homes Grant, ground source heat pumps must be listed as an eligible product from the approved list in order to qualify for the grant. You are eligible for $3,000 to replace an existing geothermal heat pump or $5,000 for a new geothermal heat pump installation. If you are replacing an existing heat pump, you will have $2,000 available for other eligible retrofits to improve your home.

This grant requires two evaluations of your home:

  1. pre-retrofit EnerGuide evaluation before you undertake any retrofits (must be performed by an NRCan registered energy advisor)
  2. post-retrofit EnerGuide evaluation, which will show you how much more energy-efficient your home has become

The process to take advantage of this grant is:

  1. apply for the Canada Greener Homes Grant and wait for Natural Resources Canada to approve your application
  2. book an energy advisor to complete a pre-retrofit EnerGuide evaluation
  3. have your installer complete the geothermal heat pump replacement or installation (using an eligible unit and recommended by your energy advisor in their report)
  4. once the installation is complete and you’ve received your invoices and other required documentation from your installer, book an energy advisor to complete the post-retrofit EnerGuide evaluation
  5. provide final documentation to NRCan to complete the application and receive your reimbursement

To read the full eligibility criteria, and grant requirements to ensure you qualify, visit the NRCan website.


Manitoba Hydro offers a convenient and affordable financing option if you want to make energy efficiency upgrades to your home, including the installation of geothermal heat pumps. This program assists with the cost of installing a geothermal heat pump, which reduces a home’s annual heating energy use by 50 to 70 percent, space cooling costs up to 40 percent and domestic water heating costs up to 25 percent. The monthly payment is added to your energy bill, no down payment is required, and financial assistance of up to $20,000 is available for new installations and retrofits.

The process of applying for this loan is:

  • Check to see if you are eligible. The loan is available to eligible Manitoba homeowners with approved credit. Additionally, the project must meet the requirements for geothermal heat pumps.
  • Contact a registered supplier. The contractor/supplier must be a registered program supplier with Manitoba Hydro and approval must be provided before any work is started or materials are purchased.
  • Complete your project. After your project is completed, your contractor/supplier will arrange for signing of a Completion Certificate to acknowledge the work was completed.
  • Pay the loan through your monthly energy bill. You make the monthly loan payment which is added on to your energy bill. You can also make additional payments to your loan at any time without penalties as long as loan the loan isn’t paid in full during the first 6 months.

Under the Home Energy Efficiency Loan, geothermal heat pumps must be designed and installed by a certified contractor recognized by the Manitoba Geothermal Energy Alliance (MGEA).

For full details on the loan, please visit Manitoba Hydro’s website.


also see Canada Greener Homes Grant

As of February 12, 2024 5PM EST, the Canada Greener Homes Grant is no longer accepting new applicants; the Canada Greener Homes Loan remains open for applicants who haven’t yet started their retrofits.

The Canada Greener Homes Loan works along with the Canada Greener Homes Grant (you must be approved for the Grant before you can apply for the Loan) to help make your home more energy efficient and comfortable through interest free financing to help get the major retrofits completed for your home as recommended by your energy advisor.

The loan is available to eligible applicants of the Canada Greener Home Grant and available between $5,000 – $40,000, interest free over ten years.

To read the full eligibility criteria, and loan requirements to ensure you qualify, visit the NRCan website.

— Current Incentives Available in Manitoba —

(click on the logo, provider, or incentive name below for more information)

Disclaimer: While we have made every effort to ensure the accuracy and completeness of the incentive information, we cannot guarantee its accuracy or completeness as the incentive programs can change without notice. Please ensure you visit the incentive program’s website directly to confirm current program details and eligibility.